Babatunde A. Ogunnaike, University of Delaware Browse Playlists: All Lightning Talk Presentations COVID and Data Presentation Information Presentation made on July 16, 2021 Part of the July 2021 Lightning Talks CIC Webinar Transcripts English Text Transcribed by Macy Moujabber and Lauren CloseColumbia Academic Commons DOI for this Presentation: 10.7916/d8-3wat-t040 Spanish Text (leer en español) Traductores: Isabella Graham Martinez and Kenia PujolsColumbia Academic Commons DOI for this Presentation: 10.7916/c1ky-mb88 French Text (lire en français) Traduire: Julie MeunierColumbia Academic Commons DOI for this: 10.7916/4ws2-d948 Hindi Text (हिन्दी में पढ़ें) अनुवादकों: Shikhar Johri *Note that Adobe OCR may not recognize Hindi text Related Award Predictive Modeling & Optimal Control Framework for Model-Based Epidemic Response in Delaware.