Meet the scientists seeking new insights on COVID-19. Every month, we bring together a group of researchers studying wide-ranging aspects of the current pandemic, to share their research and answer questions from our community. Learn more about their ongoing efforts in the fight against COVID-19, including opportunities for collaboration.
Join us on Wednesday, February 10th, at 3-4 pm Eastern Time, to hear from the following speakers. Register here for your unique Zoom link and calendar information.
Naomi Senehi, Rice University: RAPID: Molecular Imprinting of Coronavirus Attachment Factors to Enhance Disinfection by a Selective Photocatalytic "Trap-and-Zap" Approach. Funded by NSF Engineering / Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental & Transport Systems.
Nicola Sochacka, University of Georgia: RAPID: Using SenseMaker to Investigate Complex Dynamics in Social Systems to Inform Agile, Real-Time Policy-Responses in Times of Crisis. Funded by NSF Engineering / Engineering Education and Centers.
Timothy Oladunni, University of the District of Columbia: RAPID: Collaborative Research: VAPOC: Visualization, Analysis and Prediction of COVID-19. Funded by NSF Computer and Information Sciences and Engineering / Division of Computer and Network Systems.
Gregory Bowman, Washington University in St. Louis: RAPID: Folding@home and COVID-19. Funded by NSF Biological Sciences / Division of Biological Infrastructure.
Mike Kinzel and Kareem Ahmed, University of Central Florida: RAPID: Fluid Dynamic Driving Mechanisms of Airborne Pathogen Transmission and Control. Funded by NSF Engineering / Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental & Transport Systems.
Paul Westerhoff, Arizona State University: RAPID: Disinfection and Reuse of Health-Care Worker Facial Masks to Prevent Infection coronavirus disease. Funded by NSF Engineering / Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental & Transport Systems.